Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome to Terrible2wenties!

Remember how life had been so simple for the past...say, 15+ years? You wake up to a cold bowl of Fruit Loops [mMm, yummy Cream of Wheat with EXTRA condensed milk], you take in the morning cartoons [or later in life, more "sophisticated" television], your bag has been packed by Mom, your class schedule is laid out for you, and you know EXACTLY what you'll be doing come next semester? 'Cuz you know....2nd grade follows 1st, and 10th grade follows 9th, and duh, Senior year of college follows Junior? Then BAM-- you graduate and you're out on your ass? You feel insane because of all of a sudden you have student loan payments, or the possibility of graduate school [but in what? and where? and why? and who will pay??], the desperate search for employment all while enjoying the "best years of your life." All of a sudden there's no one to tell you what classes to take, how to fix your schedule, that babysitting money you earned isn't going toward "fun" anymore, and you're just...lost and confused? Well, we're trying to make this not only a place for you to vent and be scared and be sad [cuz, really, who are any of us young 20somethings kidding?] but also a place where you can watch us try to make the most of these years and stumble/discover for ourselves the best way to save, move out of Mom's house, pay those loans, pick the right careers, and generally, navigate the limbo that is the Terrible 2[wenties]! Hope you keep coming back.



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